czwartek, 25 lutego 2010

Weddings in Africa czyli śluby w Afryce!

Dziś trochę o ślubach w Afryce, spróbuj przeczytać 1 akapit i zrozumieć jak najwięcej.Po niżej wyjaśnione są nie które słówka.

African weddings are a family affair and involve the combining of two lives, two families, and sometimes even two communities! There are many different wedding traditions in the African continent and no two are exactly alike. However, in all the communities the bride plays a very special role and is treated with respect because she is a link between the unborn and the ancestors. A bride might eventually bear a very powerful child, so she is treated with respect. In some areas of East Africa the grooms family would even move to the brides village and set up a whole new house there.

family affair- coś takiego, co dotyczy całej rodziny, zwłaszcza przed ślubem jest ich wiele- wiesz???? no nie wiesz??? przecież to SPRAWY RODZINNE




unborn-nienarodzony, przyszły

bear-w tym kontekście -nosić

groom- pan młody

set up- wznosić

trudne? tak? dobra to powiedz mi jak jest?


-sprawy rodzinne?

- a co to set up?

There are many steps that take place before marriage starting at a very young age where training takes place in how to be a suitable partner. Girls will many times go to circumcision schools where women teach them what is involved in marriage, and in some ethnic groups even learn secret codes and languages so that they can communicate with other married women. In the Wolof tribe there is even a time where the elders of the village gather with the bride and give advice and gifts.

take place-mieć miejsce

suitable -pasujący, odpowiedni

circumcision- obrzezanie

gather- spotykać

chyba proste nie?

Weddings can be very elaborate, involving feasting and dancing for days within a community, they can be very simple, or they can even be performed in huge marriage ceremonies involving many different couples.

elaborate-złożony, wyszukany

to feast- ucztować

within-w obrębie

community- społeczność


teraz troche photos:
african marriage-motrola


In Ethiopia the Karo people enhance a young brides beauty by tattooing her abdomen with different symbols.

Amhara people: most marriages are negotiated by the two families, with a civil ceremony sealing the contract. A priest may be present. Divorce is allowed and must also be negotiated. There is also a "temporary marriage," by oral contract before witnesses. The woman is paid housekeeper's wages, and is not eligible for inheritance, but children of the marriage are legally recognized and qualify for inheritance. Priests may marry but not eligible for divorce or remarriage.

enhance-ulepszyć, uwydatnić


civil-publiczny, miły

to seal-pięczętować


wage- płaca


eligible-nadający się

inheritance-spadek, dziedzictwo



zobaczmy czy pamiętasz?

nadający się?




Na dziś to tyle z tekstu teraz kilka pytań:

Which part of a body people from Ethipia tattooing?

Is the wedding very elaborate in Africa?

Say something about african bride.


sprawy rodzinne-
w obrębie-

take place-
to seal-

zobacz filmik o masajskim ślubie

jutro powtórka oraz kolejna część.
tutaj możesz sprawdzić wymowę